Exuberant Bastard

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Meet Emory. He's a cat. An 'onry cat at that. He's named after the University he was found at. Enough with the unintentional rhyming.

This picture was taken months ago, but I just decided it needed some cleaning up. A little contrast and fill light, and then some sharpening. Posted by Picasa

Sorry for the relatively short comment. Working from the Picasa Blogger interface is kinda strange. So I post, then come back to it from the main site.

This little guy is my friend Heather's pet kitty. She wanted me to take some portraits of Emory while he was still young, and cute, before she kills him because he's so frisky. From what I recall (i'm sure I can check the exif data, but i'm lazy) this is with the 85mm f1.8 lens.

Pet pictures are just like people pictures. Focus on the eyes, fill if there's backlighting, and do everything you can to get their attention, including treats. Scooby-snack anyone?


  • Awww :) Very cute. I've been wanting a kitten myself.

    I've been having a hard time getting portraits to come out well - next time I'll take your advice and try to remember to focus on the eyes. I never think about that and just try to focus on the person in general.

    By Blogger ami, at 6/26/2006 10:03 AM  

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